We are a committed, visionary school community dedicated to providing young people with an excellent and comprehensive general education, character development and, at secondary school level, leadership skills.
At Stella, we believe in:
“‘The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “He who trains the mind only and does not also train the heart does not give education.” These are words we at Stella have taken to heart. The development of character strengths via a comprehensive character education programme is at the core of our educational approach from kindergarten right through to the completion of secondary schooling. At secondary school level, we add in development of leadership skills for all students and for those parents who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity.”
Dr. Heidi Burkhart
Students who complete grades 1 – 4 at Stella International School earn a Cambridge Certificate at the end of grade 4: Starters, Movers and Flyers Exams meet international standards and are based on the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) with Pre A1, A1 and A2 levels.
Stella International School came into being on the initiative of a group of committed parents. We seek to provide a cosmopolitan education centred on values that will enable young people to forge the society of tomorrow. Public funds cannot cover the crucial extra support, inspiration, resources and activities a Stella education gives.
For this reason, we ask you to please support us with your donation!
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