To the photos and reports

Dear friends of Stella School!

The school year has flown by and there is only one basic tenor: gratitude. Most recently for the successful relocation in Vienna to the new location in Donau City, which was completed quickly with the help of students, teachers, parents, and friends. The distribution of certificates has already taken place at the new location. The parents pushed furniture in other rooms while the children happily walked through the school building with their certificates. We want to thank all the sponsors who made the project possible and generously supported us; we would also like to thank the construction and delivery companies for their excellent cooperation.

Gratitude also for everything that has generally developed at individual other locations – Vienna, Seebenstein, Salzburg…you can get a good idea of the mood from the reports. At the end of the school year, each school had a Holy Mass to give thanks to the Lord. In the last few days there have been many exciting projects – musical in Seebenstein, camp, visits to elderly people, etc. The get-to-know-you days with the new families and teachers have already resulted in new friendships, and over 500 children and young people in the various Stella schools and kindergartens are looking forward to starting together in the fall!

One more request: We are growing, which is why we are always looking for good teachers and educators for schools, kindergartens, and after-school care centers at all locations. Please spread the word among your friends and acquaintances, applications are always welcome!

We would like to invite you to the Opening Ceremony at the new campus in Donau City on Thursday 24 October 2024 at 10 amsave the date!

Now I wish you a wonderful, relaxing summer and look forward to seeing you again in September!

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Sincerely yours

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Heidi Burkhart & the team of Stella International School


Stella Salzburg

You can find the current Salzburg Newsletter here.

Stella Seebenstein

Kindergarten: Visit to the “Mater Salvatoris” residential and nursing home
We were eagerly awaited by the elderly people of the “Mater Salvatoris” residential and nursing home at the end of May. Together with Ms. Prudic, we sang a few songs with and for the residents, such as “Das Lied über mich”, “Hallo Du”, “Kommt ein Vogel geflogen” and “Grün, grün, grün, sind alle meine Kleider”!

Kindergarten: Pizza movie afternoon and school bag day
On two days in June, the focus was on our children in their final year of kindergarten. Firstly, there was a special afternoon where we baked and ate pizza together and made our school cones. Finally, we watched a Winnie the Pooh movie!
On the other hand, there was the “school bag day”, where our 4 children in the last year of kindergarten were allowed to bring their school bags and get a taste of school for the first time with teacher Sabine in the 1st grade. One child said: “That was the best day of my life!”

Kindergarten: Campus festival musical “I’m going fishing now”
We kindergarten children also took part in this year’s campus festival. In the KISI mini-musical “I’m going fishing now”, we got to play the role of the fish and wore costumes specially sewn by our teacher Mia. We were particularly touched by the songs that we sang and danced over and over again during the kindergarten day in the weeks that followed!

Kindergarten: Dental health education with Kroko
Finally this month, our dear Kroko joined us in the group with his lovely colleague Sonja. Kroko talked to us about which toothbrush we should use to brush our teeth and how often we should change our toothbrushes each year!

Elementary school: Girls vs. boys soccer match
During the school year, some girls challenged the boys to compete against them in soccer. This challenge was accepted with enthusiasm. In the run-up to the match, jerseys were designed in handicraft lessons and the exciting match took place a few weeks later. They fought hard and ended with a fair 18:2 game for our boys. Despite the defeat, the “girls of god” did not hang their heads, but were delighted with their two successful goals. Everyone was rewarded with an ice cream at the end.

Elementary school: Hiking day forest nature trail for all VS classes
We start directly behind our school grounds. The forest nature trail, where the children learned lots of interesting facts about the forest, led us through the cool forest to Schiltern. A special highlight was the encounter with fallow deer. After we had had something to eat, we continued on to the cool playground in Schiltern. Our community was strengthened by this wonderful time.

Elementary school: Visit to the outdoor pool
Once again this year, our mayor gave us free entry to the outdoor pool. The children not only had a lot of fun in the water, but many of them were also able to take their swimming tests to become free swimmers and cruising swimmers.

Elementary school: Our storks
A pair of storks have been nesting in Seebenstein for several years. We were invited by Mrs. Turner to visit them. The children were not only able to observe the animals up close, but also learn a lot about the storks. We were also lovingly catered for and were allowed to take home handmade pendants as souvenirs. It was a very exciting visit.

Elementary school: Morning lesson at school
The pupils often spend the time until the start of lessons playing games together.

Middle school: English Breakfast
A typical English breakfast was prepared as part of the English lessons. Our children were able to sample a variety of different British specialties and enjoyed conversations in the English language.

Middle school: Experience a farm
In June, our children visited the LFS Warth and were able to get to know nature and the stables. The absolute highlights were the little calves, the chickens and the milking competition. A big thank you goes to Mrs. Waltraud Riegler from Zöbern, who was able to pass on her passion for the farm to our children in such a wonderful way.

Middle school: Swimming days at the middle school
In June, our sports lessons focused on swimming. Not only were the vital basics consolidated, but the requirements of various swimming badges were also fulfilled. The most important thing, however, is the genuine enjoyment of the water that you can see in our children.

Campus: Musical – Project days with the KISI – God’s singing kids
From Tuesday to Friday before the school festival, we held musical project days on campus. From morning to midday, there were games, fun, catechesis, sketches and, above all, the children were able to try their hand at singing, dancing and acting. Thanks to the great performance of the children, the great technology and the props, a really successful performance took place that touched many hearts. The founder of the “Kisis”, Hannes Minichmayr, was present at the performance, which made the children and the team particularly happy. Subject inspector Vouillarmet also congratulated them on this successful celebration. Thanks to all Kisi employees! It remains an unforgettable memory!

You can also find the video of the Campus Festival on our homepage from the summer!

Stella Vienna Kindergarten

It has become a much-loved tradition that we “kick out” our preschool children from kindergarten at the end of June. It was a great pleasure to be able to accompany them part of the way and support them in their development. It has become a much-loved tradition that we “kick out” our pre-school children from kindergarten at the end of June. Children are allowed to bring their school bags to the Kindergarten on this day. They are celebrated by all the children and then allowed to slide into the school where a welcome committee is waiting for them!

Stella Vienna afternoon care

The days are getting warmer and the children love to be outside. We try to take this into account by supporting teachers to spend a lot of time outside with the children. In addition to exciting experiences such as the Jump World or the water playground, it is often “simple” things that are particularly fun – like building a cave out of branches in the park!Neben aufregenden Erlebnissen wie beispielsweise im Jump-World oder am Wasserspielplatz sind es oft auch „einfache“ Dinge, die besonders viel Spaß machen – wie eine Höhle aus Ästen im Park bauen!

Stella Vienna Elementary School

The primary school said goodbye to its fourth-graders. During the concluding Holy Mass, all fourth-grade children received a small gift. A blessing “to go” … . A big thanks goes to Maria Unrau, who has organised the last four years with so much dedication and heart, and soul for “her children”.

A little tired, but very grateful and full of optimism, we can announce that the relocation of the primary and secondary school was completed in the last week of school. We would like to thank all the organisers and the many helping hands for their support. Once again, we were pleased to experience the team spirit at the Stella School. The final stage of the move begins in a couple of weeks: Stella Kindergarten closes its doors in Lassallestraße and opens with a larger number of groups and a view of the river in Donau-City-Straße.

We to take this opportunity to make an important call: We are still urgently looking for a primary school teacher to start in September and would be delighted to hear from anyone enthusiastic about this wonderful task. Please send an email to: Thank you!

Stella Vienna Secondary School

Sports lessons for the girls
2A can be seen sprinting 100 meters on Praterallee. 1A and 1B are playing a running game in Rudolf Bednar Park.

Some photos and videos from the physics lesson: We made and tested bullet-proof glass ourselves.

The 1a class visits the Fortuna care home as part of the “Service learning” program.
The 1A class of the Secondary School completed a great assignment at the Fortuna care home in the 3rd district.
At the beginning, the boys gallantly asked the care staff: “How do you want it?”. All the girls and boys then went from one lady to the next with great affection and chatted happily with the older people. Afterwards, they delighted the audience with, among other things, a little self-written theatre piece, which was wonderfully presented with music and singing. It was a great success: the audience was enthusiastic and asked to see it again soon!

Carnuntum with the 2nd class as part of the history lessons!
On a baking hot day, the 2a class went to Carnuntum, a Roman city. The enthusiastic “historians” were fully satisfied. The accurately reconstructed buildings, including a dye works, a library, a house, a villa and the thermal bath complex, impressed the children. They impressed us with their knowledge and targeted, interested questions. It was a great trip in the penultimate week of school.

Service learning in the classes
In the 2nd semester, we attempt an annual whole-class service learning project in which we think about how we as a class community can use our talents to make a positive contribution to society.
With the 3a class This year we visited the Malteser care home and prepared poems, games and pieces on the flute and violin.
It was a good opportunity for us to talk to the older people and spend time together. Some told us about their families, others about the war.
We noticed that the residents were pleased with our visit and the welcome distraction – and we gladly accepted the staff’s offer to come back soon.

Career guidance – have the end in mind right from the start!
In the last two Leader in Me lessons of the year, we each had a guest in 3A: Mrs Ludwichowska-Redo and Mr Eiselsberg, both of whom are also parents of pupils at our secondary school.
They offered us interesting insights into their day-to-day work and talked about the habits and good character strengths that need to be cultivated very early on in order to successfully master a challenging university degree programme – they both studied law – without neglecting other important things.
We would like to thank both guests for sharing their professional and life experience with us and look forward to continuing this series next year!

5A Discussion on the EU election round
The class eagerly set about recreating the elephant round.

Visiting the theatre at Muth – German excursion with the whole school
Children play classical music! All classes at Stella Gymnasium attended a performance by the Junge Bühne (formerly Wiener Kindertheater), which this year performed Carlo Goldoni’s play “The Servant of Two Masters”. As the children were well prepared in their German lessons, they were all able to follow the content very well and even recognise individual scenes that they had worked on during the lesson. The Italian music also contributed to the good atmosphere. The audience joined in enthusiastically, spurring the children in the theatre. A successful visit!

5A – A look back

We are the first upper secondary school class at Stella Gymnasium and a total of 11 pupils. We have lived through a lot together this school year – both inside and outside of school. We would like to give you a few insights into our adventurous school year.


After a settling-in period, our class travelled to the Gesäuse for ” getting to know each other” days at the end of September. We lived in small huts that belonged to a farm with lots of animals. We spent the three days with lots of workshops and activities in nature. One evening we were even allowed to go for a night walk without a flashlight to get an even better view of the night sky. With the help of a ranger, we learnt how to find our way with a compass and map and then had to find our way through the forest in groups. It was a very nice and fun time for us.

In October, the 3rd class and we had the opportunity to take a guided tour of the parliament. It was very interesting to see it from the inside after the renovation. Dr Gudrun Kugler, a member of the National Council, gave us a tour of the beautiful halls and we were even allowed to sit in the politicians’ chairs. Afterwards we were invited for sweets and hot chocolate. The excursion was very impressive and informative.

Museum of Art History
At the beginning of December, we went on a trip to the Museum of Art History with our two teachers, Professor Staudenbauer and Professor Farmer. We split into two groups and walked through the impressive building. Our highlight was a painting by Johannes Vermeer.

Christmas Celebration
On 21 December 2023, our school celebrated Christmas at the Blind Institute. A play, poems and songs were presented. There was also a rich buffet organised by our class. It was a very nice celebration for everyone!

Visit to the opera
On 31 January 2024, as part of our German and music lessons, we attended an opera performance of “Die letzte am Schafott” by French composer Francis Poulenc, based on the novella of the same name by Gertrud von le Fort, at the Vienna State Opera. Accompanied by our Director Mrs Dlugopolsky and Professors Kiesewetter and Trachta, we were able to enjoy this wonderful evening.

On 29 February, the Holy Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation of our sports teacher, Professor Volochschuk, were celebrated in St Peter’s Church. We were responsible for the musical accompaniment and, with the support of the third class, we framed the mass with two Latin chants (Veni Creator Spiritus and Anima Christi). Finally, the guests were invited to a great agape and the afternoon came to a perfect end.

English Week
We had a very instructive English week in mid-April. Thanks to various native speakers from English-speaking countries, we were able to intensively improve and deepen our English skills over five days. We strengthened our class community through play and learnt to feel more confident in the English language.

In the mary month of May, we went on a short pilgrimage to Heiligenkreuz with our class teacher. We travelled by public transport to the abbey and walked from there to Mayerling Castle. There we visited the museum and the chapel. Afterwards we went back and enjoyed a good lunch in a restaurant.

This school year has flown by and we can look back on many wonderful experiences. Of course, it was a big challenge for all of us to find our way around a new school as a small group. The start of the Upper Secondary School in particular was not easy, but we were able to overcome all the hurdles thanks to our teachers and our community.

We are looking forward to the coming school year, especially the new campus, but for now, it’s time for a well-deserved holiday!